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Other Activities

    As a continuation of the discussions initiated at the 2016 WSIS Forum, a Hackathon on ICTs for SDGs focusing on E-health will be held at the WSIS Forum 2017. We invite all interested coders to participate in the WSIS Hack for Health. Details at
    Virtual Reality for SDGs

    Pursuing a first partnership in 2016, WSIS and World VR Forum join forces to be at the forefront of Virtual Reality for advancing development. A shiny new Virtual Reality Track will held at the WSIS Forum 2017 bringing together high-level personalities, world class VR experience and a very special focus on education.


    TEDx Geneva at WSIS Forum 2017


    After a successful debut at WSIS Forum 2016 we are pleased to announce that TEDx Geneva will continue to partner with ITU, hosting another event during the WSIS Forum 2017.


    WSIS Stocktaking


    The WSIS Stocktaking database, currently with 8.000 plus entries and a growing community of 200.000 stakeholders, is a unique global tool for collecting information and regular reporting on ICT related initiatives and projects, carried out by governments, international organizations, the business sector, civil society, academia and other entities, in the context of 11 WSIS Action Lines.
    In support of the WSIS Implementation and Follow-up, all WSIS Stakeholders are invited to update and submit new entries online. Submitted activities will be reflected in the WSIS Stocktaking Report 2017, which will be released at the WSIS Forum 2017. Details at


    Policy Sessions


    Policy Statements will be delivered during the High-Level Track (13-14 June) of the Forum by high-ranking officials of the WSIS Stakeholder community.


Opportunity Begins:

Sponsoring opportunities