Categories for Individual Companies / Corporate
Categories for Institutions/ NGO’s/ Associations
Any other Category which you would like to suggest.
Company Name
*The category can be Best / Excellent / Upcoming depending on the decision of the Jury.
*The Award can be specific to a Country/Continent/Region/ Globe. The Jury can also create any further category or decide to cancel any category.
1. Nomination can be made by self or others. 2. You can submit information as detailed or as short as you deem fit for consideration by Jurist. 3. The nomination would be considered based on information supplied and available from other market sources. 4. Please also indicate name of officer who will receive the award, if awarded. 5. Nominations from one Company/ Individual can be made for multiple categories. One Company/ Individual can be considered for multiple awards in different categories. 6. Guidelines for different categories. 7. For queries please feel free to speak with Navtesh at +91 9711 869 771.
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